Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Life in Singapore: Study or have fun?

Had several mixed feelings and realization today when speaking to a new staff from my other branch.

1. Anger
Thanks to another colleague of mine who never cease to make things worse, you dont come to a guy to say why never reply his message. Bitch please, obviously you know how busy we are.

I approach him when i am more free and formally introduce myself, starting off with a good start. Then i bring in another colleague who feels he is condemned and encourage him, bringing the other point

2. JC very lepak
Hell no, i placed so much emphasis on getting to uni that my hair turn grey, neglect my social life in school just for a gamble at the end of 2 yr

3. The outside work hard to find job
Thats what i keep stressing on. But this new colleague asked me just one simple question that bust my myth. Have you tried working in your research industry.

4. Uni life very stress
True in a way, if you aim for good grades. I chiong so hard in my first yr that i got super good grades. However during my 2nd yr, the steam dies off and my grade drop no matter how much effort you put in. I was very jaded at that time, which brings me to the last point

5. Your grades count
It dont, trust me..... i got a 2nd lower level, he just have to ask.....
Continuing on, my grade drop to barely passing grade during my 2nd year. What gives me a new breather is taking minor in entreprenuership in my 2nd year end holiday.

6. Other achievement counts and uni life is where you rock n roll
I totally lost interest in studying aft taking my minor. I skipped classes, sleep in class, stop asking professor question, never read up my notes and it got so worse that on my 3rd yr second sem, i literally never study till the last week just to take part in lots of startup competition, hang out with friends and have fun!!!
Thats where i get to know a group of lepak but steady buddies and a group of funny and reliable ladies.

7. Street smart!!!!
But my grades improved instead.... surprise surprise! I literally find the right way to study/exploit mwhahahaha!

8. Last chance of having fun
And guess what, i continue to have fun after my entreprenuership competitions. I joined a CCA! (Yes Finally) in my final year, join the FOC and another camp called TOC, took up a subcomm position, organise their retreat and literally make a lot of life long friends!

9.The fun never ends
And just when you thought my affinity with NTU ended after graduating, i volunteered for Junior World Entrepreneurship 2013 1 day after i finished my internship and become the best facilitator. And that was how I was introduced to Enactus, another CC and joined it after graduating

10. It is your soul!
When i was at the downpoint of my first job, i finally understand why everyone looks like they lose their soul after working in the society for a period of time.
These are the reason. I was so jaded at that point and my mind almost collapsed, i was on the verge of leaving my job, losing my deposit to the agency, which i did eventually.

But what restored me is going to a FOC after graduating! Had really so much fun and feeling so hopeful again. Thats what keep me moving and though i lost my job the day when i came back from my chalet. I was relived and full again!

11.Forever Young
I kept going back to Enactus and TKD subsequently, even after 2 years as an alumni, i had some place to go back and call home;TKD!!! So glad and never regret!!!