Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Choose your bank wisely, UOB is not the way to go

Recently i am drawn to UOB one Account have opened an account with it.

Have problem no resolving issues with DBS and OCBC, i took good services and system for granted.

My faith in UOB dropped and will deter me from entrusting important things with them.

1.Application online
I applied multiple times online because there will be a promo online.

I was stuck at a page for me to submit employement details. The button wouldn't let me proceed. Called customer service and instead of addressing the issues or finding out, they asked me to walk in to apply.

I later found out that i can workaround it by placing tax reference number not required.

My application was rejected few weeks later.

2.Poor online customer service
My email were not replied to. The only reply i get is automated replies and acknowledgement i have resolved the issues.

3.Poor over the counter service
I was served by a guy called Henry who keep hard selling me some saving plans. Sharing my commitment, he still advise me to sink $500 a month for a saving plans. Dude i am getting married soon and sinking so much would be not advisable as i may have to take up loans and the interest from it will outgrown your saving interest rate.

When he later realised i am not buying, he keep sighing and provide slip-shod service.

4.Non-compliance to customer request
I request for a credit card with Henry keep repeating Debit card. Took me a few iteration to insist on a credit card, UOB one.

I fill in the form for UOB one credit card.

A week later, i realised that there is no credit card in my online banking account. I applied for it online. No thanks to them.

5.Incoherent online banking
To pay my bills, i used UOB i-banking only to my nightmare find out that i have to have a physical token. Before that, i was mislead to setup a mighty app account, which wouldn't get past the part where i have to wait after 10 minutes. I tried all means e.g. leave phone on for 10 minutes, restart phone but to no avail. The Mightyapp is enabled app for a sec before refreshing for the wait 10 minutes.

6.Unauthorised purchase of product
I received an sms on the first working day after application that my credit card is being processed. And together with it my CreditPlus account application is being processed.

Since when i applied for it?

I called them and write in (knowing they won't reply). Found out that they have applied an Miles card and CreditPlus account for me. This is insanity. Since when they can open account or purchase product without the client knowledge. I didn't sign anything else.

Thankfully I was served by a guy called Simon from the credit plus division. He sounds responsible and project a positive image for the bank. He check and assured me that as of date i have a Debit card, UOB one Credit card and UOB one Account. The mile and credit plus account is cancelled.

Through this incident, my faith in UOB is shaken.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

How i met a good friend

Can't believe how I managed to know a good friend is through a weird meet up group called Let's build something uber in 21 July 2016.

Back then, still languishing in the development with just only the backend, I joined it to seek inspiration.

The group is weird cause we using an incubation place in Chinatown and it is open to all even for those without skills. The leader Peter doesn't want to lay down a direction and in the end, things are all over the place. Guess this is where the experiment when wrong.

I joined the 3rd meet up and still it's all ice breaking and splitting into marketing and tech group.

Their is no direction and I really wonder wouldn't it be better if we stick to the title, build another uber.

Well they setup a server and some highly motivated one tried the jack ma thing such as in the future we would be billionaire kind of thing.

I met Just there and he seems to be the few tech know how. I break the ice by asking him to help me with my project and soon we were passionately debugging it.

We continued the conversation online and eventually meet up at star vista for lunch and coffee.

One meet up follow by again, from he just migrated here, renting a condo to getting a flat. Him still searching for job till finding it at Alexandre area. Yesterday was the fifth time we met.Cool.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

A Fragrance Tale of Coffee in Tanjong Pagar

Around the 50s, Mr Teck's father migrated from China to Singapore. He plys his trade selling coffee in Tanjong Pagar. Mr Teck recalled that back then Tanjong Pagar area was not as beautiful as it is now. Back then, the area was not well-developed, there are no shopping center, tall building or market.  Push-carts/Stalls line both side of the streets and lighting are not as developed as now, usage of 1/2 light bulbs (no LED light)

Mr Teck remember that back then life was tough. There is no water supply to all the stalls and his dad has to push the push cart to a public water point to stock up on water every morning. His whole family would help out at the stall. Mr Teck would ride a bike every morning to purchase coffee beans for roasting. He would place at least 15 kg of coffee beans on his bike and cycle back to the stall.

Back then, things are very cheap. A cup of drink would cost 1 cent and a bowl of noodle would cost 10 cents. Cost of running a business is also very cheap then, his Dad paid few dollars monthly for rent and licensing.

Mr Teck work hard and play hard. He recalls going to the ex-Yan Kit Swimming pool regularly to swim with his friends. Back then, Yan Kit Swimming pool is the go to recreational place and is usually very crowded. He would also catch spiders and play marbles during his free time. Mr Teck loves Mid-autumn festival because there will be Lion Dance troupe going around the Kampong to perform. According to tradition, the Lion Dance and beating of drum is to "Beat Out the Cloud" for a full moon. Mr Teck and his friends loves following the Lion Dance around.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Things that matter in life

Each individual is an unique entity. That's why consiciously or subconsciously, we try hard to differentiate and established an identity.

On saying that, it's not wrong, nor a sin to differentiate. To rebel is man nature. To love and live each day with burning passion is what defines youth.

However with the passing of each days. We lost our sight to our final goals. It takes years to build Rome and many can't just take a step back to envision the end product. 

We seek the beeline to a next better position, losing track of supposed route. The next better progression  e.g. career progression might possibly be taking a step forward but 2 steps backward. 

Each progression could justify our action and even judging others by their career, status, wealth, travel experience or even by their networks.

We seek to be different but yet we seek similarity. Often forgetting that irony and what true friendship means.

Time is not forgiving. It does not wait. There is a limit to one youth. People may eventually move on to the next true friend. Everyone eventually have to go. 

Had we forsaken our passion or dreams for money and vanity. Are we still or ourselves.  Would we be walking around each day in passion or souless like a zombie

Friends and family would wait for you but how long can they do so.

The grand limtus test would be at each milestone of your mortality. When you hit 30,40,50....etc

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Burnout? It is normal, fret not

It is normal to feel burnout at times. We are all human!  This article helps.