Friday, May 29, 2009

How i spend a week

Looking back at how i spend this week, wow i must be fit!!!
From Mon - Thursday, i spent my everyday exercising.
On mon, i exercise at home.
Tuesday, i learnt Martial Art.
Wednesday, i went to Gym with Ang.
Thursday, i played soccer at Balestier ITE.
As for today, i have to rest for tomorrow soccer, though i am itching to exercise.

Talking about Martial Art, i went to a Wu Guan in China Town to learn more about Shan Da.
We started off with circuit training, follow on by some uppercut and over hand.
These two move are not new to me, seen them in TV but i had not really tried it before.
Well combine with the previous training i had, my upper body pack some fighting capability.
Jab,Upper Cut, Over Hand
I feel that Shan Da improve my body coordination and fitness.
Cool. = = 11

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