Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday Nite is for buddies

Yesterday, i went to Kenneth (Canada) house to play wrestling cards.
Damn Guan Yu, for nothing call me to come back from my retirement.
Anyway, RJ and Kenneth(Mr Outram) that is what Guan call Kenneth join us.
Yea its is fun man, we hang out at his condo, then HK cafe.
By then it was late, RJ and Guan had to go home.
Well the two ken and i bought some beverages, and we chill out at Tiong Bahru Plaza.
At 2pm!!!!
Well we had some man to man chat.
From our conversation i feel that several phrases that ken said meaningful.
Ignorance is bliss.
He put a hand in front of your face and want me to treat it as my problem, the further it is from your face, the less significant it is.
Well i have to take things easy.
Anyway its is a fun day.

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