Monday, June 29, 2009

29th June Mark the start of school

29th June marks the first day of school. I am so glad that i have been through all this shit.
Anyway today i am on off and i do not have to squeeze myself in the MRT in the morning for work. I went to Zi Yean Restaurant for breakfast. I met one of my father's friend there. I do not know his name and i address him as Oi. Others called him Ah Pui(Fatty in Hokkien because of his size)Well he had quite a story to tell. He is mentally slow but he is still able to think and is able to rake in some income through odds job. Well i saw him at the counter watching the chief making Dim Sum. I sympasize him and offer him to join me for breakfast.
While having breakfast, i had a conversation with him and i realised that some of the odd jobs he do is really kind of shitty. These are jobs that nobody want to do, but well it had to be done. He told me he would be catching pigs later. Sound alright huh! No it was not. This is really risky, if you consider where H1N1 originate from. Well these people must be really blessed at times, as they seemed alright doing all this risky things.

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