Friday, December 25, 2009

Congratulation Albert Ng

I would like to sent my congratulation Albert Ng. May you have a bliss wedding, bai tou dao lao.

25th Dec, is christmas, concidentally it is Albert wedding. It started at 730pm. Well the dishes started to serve at 830pm. The food is nice and the host did a good job. Never do i expect to see Jasper there. Ha!!! Well they are schoolmate. What a small world. Anyway i have a glass of red wine since there is no white wine there. Sigh!. Well it okay, i have a fine time there catching up with others.

Journey to Bangkok 4

Journey to Bangkok, Journey to Bangkok, Journey to Bangkok.
Are you all sicked of it already.
Sorry about that, but i feel that i gain a lot from this trip to Bangkok and i would like to share with all of you.
Yea i enjoy myself there but most importantly, i realise like that to help others, it does not need to be a very big help. Everyone can do charity, even a little effort count. My master said, the harder it is for you to donate, the more significant this deed meant. Yup, so no tori. This is right.
A billionaire could donate some spare change of his like few thousand, and no doubt this is a big sum to us. But do they really have the heart to donate 10% of their asset. People no matter you are rich or poor, you can help.
As Loong Phor Thong said, "If you do not have money, you can contribute physically".
Well it is the thought that count.
Lets us all made a difference.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Journey to Bangkok 3

Though fun, and enlightening.
I had my share of sickness.
I was down with a flu before the vacation.
For the first 2 day, it was like hell to me.
Luckily the travelling time is very long, and i get to sleep most of the day.
Bangkok is very big. And travelling is unlike singapore, where the travelling time could take
hours to reach instead of few minutes.
There is lots of highway is bangkok and there is more shophouses then high rise building there.
At the end of the second day, i was feeling better, but somehow what goes in, never goes out.
I was unable to excrete. Damn.
On the third day, i started spamming on vegetables but it was useless.
On the fourth day, i gave up. Miraculously my streak of days with constipation ended when i landed on Singapore. Thanks God!!!!
However, i am not the only one who is sick.
My mother was having headache and even vomitted when shopping in MBK.
Oh my. For the rest of the day, she was not feeling well. To add on to her suffering,
our master asked us to make a 1 1/2 hour journey to a river for prayers.
Man she almost fainted during the long, disturbing journey.
I help her to masssage her head and prayed for her recovery.
Somehow she recovered. Phew.
Thanks God !!!!!
This trip to thailand is really unforgetable

Journey to Bangkok 2

During my trip to Bangkok beside shopping,
i went for prayers and also to visit my master Loong Phor Thong.
I feel enlightened and i find that a phrase of his, very motivating and
i would like to share with all of you.
He said Success or failure all lies in the heart.
Which i feel is obvious but we often overlook it.
I feel that this semester exam is a result of me being less determined.
I was not ready to study and work hard due to myself being indulged in
my ORD mood. Had i been more determined and pushed myself further,
i would not end up with such predicament.
Well no choice, hopefully next semester, would be better.
Through my journey around Bangkok, i realise that we Singaporean were more fortunate.
In Singapore, there is not many beggar sitting around the street.
But in Bangkok there is lots of them.
Sigh, how i wish i had the power to help them.
Somehow, through my master, i learn that in order to help others,
we had to help the people directly around us.
First our family, then our friends.
Well i am determined to help them and i try to find means to help those in need.
This trip is truly spritually and mentally enriching

Journey to Bangkok 1

Thailand was fine, the first day i reached, i did nothing else but to check in and sleep.
But i get to eat out, and the food was great.
On day 2, i went to Platnium to shop, and manage to get a few shirts at a good price.
My mom and sister managed to grab a few deal but somehow, the things i buy were kind of overprice. For example the takoyaki i bought cause $2.5 and the chewing gum i bought were more expensive by 1 Baht. Not that i care much about it but i hate the feeling of not grabbing up good deal.
Day 3 was about the same, i went MBK, where i am more familiar with.
I bought cake that cost about the same as in Singapore whereas my Mom managed to buy dognuts from Mister dognut that cost 3 times lesser than my bread and cake. Sigh
10 bahts!!!!!
The game i bought is the same as the one i own except with a different cover and the jacket i bought cost more than in bugis.
What is wrong with me.
So suay.

Yo guys i am back

Hey guys i am back.
Due to exams and school work i am unable to blog.
But just to let you all know i am fine
and well i just return from a vacation from bangkok

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Soccer suck?

2 weeks ago, i played against a company team caltex. It comprmise of foreginer. They tackled our teammate. Played dirty and complained at the slightest form of tackle. How many time they take down our players to the ground. Once a minute. Thry showed no sign or sportsmanship. Sports should not be all about winning. If you win through unsruplous win, you gain nothing out of it even when you win. I made lots of friends through soccer and i know that a game can mold one character and patience. My leg was wounded by the opponent who kicked me even when i am not holding the ball. Something is wrong. The ref hasan made numerous tactical error. Obviously he favour the team, not knowing the actual reason. Money??? But i am really ashamed of this team. They have really disgraced the company. After injurying me and my friend, they do not show the slightest sign of apologies. They think that this is war. Seriously, the real winner are those who play with one hand tie and do not give up. I must really applaud my teammate. We played clean and though we lose with 10 man. We really proved that we are real man.

Rude people

Last week i encounter 2 times, people being rude.
One was on the MRT where i doze off after a long day of studies.
I accidentally nod my head on a middle aged man beside me.
I apologised and what follow was a series of unbelievable outrage of
how ugly we civilised people can get.
The middle aged man dressed in long selves formal wear, said sorry no cure.
And people like me should go home sleep. He then said that i have no home to sleep huh!
I reiterate, that i said sorry and he continued, sorry means i can slap you and said sorry.
Seriously where have all this guy manner go, i walk away hoping this guy will never cross path with me again.
Well the next day, wednesday, i was at my uni 7-11 Mart purchasing a cash card. I asked the cashier whether i can get a deposit should i not want it in the future. She smiled and said hold on. Then okay, i waited and she flashed me the value. Then i ask again, and she did the same thing. She passed me the card and i asked her again.This time she does not smile she just hold her hand to me and stay still in the counter. I ask her again, and she ignore me. Furious, i asked her whether she know or not. She showed me a black face and said no. Then i say its okay and walk away.
Seriously is this how 7-11 treat its customer. If you dont know say you dont know. Dont keep people in the suspense and ignore people.
What is going on.

Long time seen i blog

Hi guys it has been a long time since i blog,
i am still trying to adjust to uni life.
The influx of tutorial, long hours of lectures and
with me not understanding those prof explaination.
It seems tough
well hopefully all will turn out well

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Camp Temptation 09 Day 3

Camp Temptation 09 Day 2

Camp Temptation Day 2 was one hell of crazy day.We woke up as early as 8am,noting the fact that the day before we slept at 2am. We had Nasi Lemak for breakfast. Another meal with low protein content. Afterward, we waited for the rain to stop before starting our amazing race. Throughout the race, we been around tampines area to chinatown area. We had our lunch at Maxwell Food Centre. The variety was vast, but we were bounded by the challenge. The challenge was to eat 4 plates of noodle, 2 plate of rice, 7 drinks and 4 dessert with limited budget. It kind of suck, we kind of top up our budget. But surely, without the budget i would go on a eating spree.
At 6pm, we made it back to the resort, where we bath and dressed up for the SP Date night.
My partner was given the tag, Belle from Twilight.This goes without, i am Edward from Twilight.The most humourous partners was Yang Guo and little dragon girl from Condor Lovers. They sounded so cliche. Well we were supposed to invite our female counterpart out of the room. Yang Guo was damned hardcore. He shouted, "Gugu, my hand had recovered after 18 years, please come out etc etc etc". The Xiu Ying replied,"Go and break your leg then i would come out, you are so lame.". Lol.

Camp Temptation 09

On 21July,i went to NTU NPCC orientation camp.We met at Pionner MRT where i was banded to Mars group. After which we procceded to NTU.
We started off we playing some usual ice-breaker games like wacko. Through this game, we got to know each other better. After a few ice-breaker game, we pitted ourselves against another group, Venus. The most memorable game was the first game,where we played soccer cum netball on the street soccer court.Needless to say, i choose soccer.Our scoreline was 3-3 till the dying minutes of the 2nd half where i scored a goal from half court to clinch the winner. We played others games like snake and ladder,..... .
After the games,we conducted SP dating and lunch at the same time. My partner was Yong Qi.
We did not really "date" like planned as we were busy mingling with Jason and Cynthia. Well i had no interest in finding a girlfriend yet. So i think its okay.
After lunch we moved on to NTU amazing race,where we roamed the campus looking for the station master. Dinner was held on its food court.
After dinner, we went took at 1 hour and 16mins journey from Pionner to Pasir Ris, Coasta Sand resort to stay. During the journey, i was sleeping throughout. Guess i am beat from all the activites.
At the chalet, just when i thought we could call it a day, night activities had just begun. Jaunice was having a fever then, so she was sent home. Sigh, but its okay, health come first.Anyway,i enjoyed the activites held especially the night walk where they blindfold us. The finale for the night was to crawl through a puddle of stink junk laid on a poncho. We smelled like crap after

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dinner at Putain restaurant

I had a splendid dinner at a Putain style restaurant on Vivo City.
The dishes were colourful and innovative.
The Lor mee had a white sauce instead of its usual black gravy.
What left me mouth watering was the sea-weed soup that tasted like shark fin soup.
And who can forget the innovative mixture of eggplant and pork floss.

Never ask, never know what you might get

I learnt something from Kelvin after i quit my job.
He praise me for being able to bring out the courage to ask for testimonial.
This words he told me enlightened me and i hope this would inspire you too.
Never ask, u never know.
This mean that if you never ask, you never know what you might get.
What i lack and most of us lack, is the extra push and courage to go a step further.
Asking is just another example of garnering courage to step into the unexploring terrian.

16th July last day of work

I decided to stop my work on the 16th of July 2009 at Banta RR Donelly.
During my 1.5 month at there, i made lots of friends and learnt lots of stuff there.
During this duration, i learnt how to work as a team, and how to overlook other weakness and bring out the best in others. I also made highlight safety hazard such as the missing screw from the rack at the storage area and made several suggestion such as including an after note form for EQAT test and OBA test to facilitate the personnel taking over the next day. I felt that everyone has a part to play in the company even part-timer. Hence i suggested placing a suggestion box in the workplace for anyone to contribute their idea.

I felt that one of my greatest achievement was to improvise a new way to remove the label sticker such that the time taken to remove the label is halved. The current means to remove the label is by scrapping it manually or to use the hairdryer which waste electricity. My method is cost-effective and does not waste any natural resources.


I had never lay my fist on anyone so far, let alone in soccer game.
But somehow, i broke that clean sheet.
Yesterday during a soccer match at Swiss Club Road, a veteran old man, aged
around 60 year old challenged the ball with me. At that moment, he tripped me from behind,
and drove a punch straight down the top of my head. I was shocked and angry at that moment.
I did not expect him to punch me after gaving me a hard tackle. I got up from my fall, demanded an explaination from him. In a fit of anger, i gave him a cheap shot to his face, and i backed down. As expected his teammate flare up and threatened to attck me. Things occured too fast for me to realise the gravity of situation. It did not struck me that i lay my head on an old man. The irony is, the old man happened to be the one to start it. I gave my deepest apology for laying my hand on him. Afterward, guilt-stricken, the old man apologised to me too, and he admitted it was his fault for starting the fight. Seriously this incident had left a deep scar in me.
I was disgusted at my action and i hope that i would be able to avoid history from repeating itself.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Triple Fall

What the hell.
With 4 hours of sleep, i dragged myself to work.
I slept on the train, at the workplace but my headache still wont go away.
I struggled to focus on my work but time seemed like ethernal to me.
Somehow, i managed to hold on till 5pm and i break away like a bird trapped in a cage
believing that it is the end of my bad day.
Well this does not seem to be the case.
When i got down my shuttle bus, in a hurry to ask Yinlin, my superior is there work today?
I missed a step and fell down from the bus.
Upon getting up, my colleague tripped on me, and i fell again.
After getting up, i turn around, and a lady 2 times bigger than me bang against me.
I fell again.
What is going on?
Ang said that it is my lucky day.
Cause i have been banging 3 times in a row.
Damn it


Its has been 3 weeks since i blogged. Many things had happened during this duration.
The most memorable thing i remember was on Monday. It was my offday, so i went to the gym with ang to work out. After our workout we went to the Bk at Tiong for lunch before proceeding to Vivo-city for some window shopping. I was seeking for some loud clothes(Clothes with audacious words printed on it ). I wanted to wear it to my Orientation Camp on the 21st.
Well to no avail, i did not managed to find it.What i purchase was a box of 6 donut from dipping donut and a box of salmon sushi from Vivo-mart. Before purchasing my sushi, i was caught in a dilemma of whether to choose the salmon roll or the sushi with salmon placed above the rice.
Well i choose the first one. Bad choice, i could hardly taste the sushi. Well we left at 4pm after eating the sushi. When we thought that is all the activites for the day, Ken called and we met for dinner at Sushi Te located at PS. Well after dinner, we went TCC for coffee, but this time round i refrain from ordering as i felt that i have spent too much money for the day. At 10pm, we went to Boat Quay, Jab1 for a drink. Feeling rich, Ang opened a bottle. I had a cup only as i had to work the following day. Well amazingly, i somehow feel very relaxed today, although i spent quite a lot. This seems like a vacation to me.

Monday, June 29, 2009

29th June Mark the start of school

29th June marks the first day of school. I am so glad that i have been through all this shit.
Anyway today i am on off and i do not have to squeeze myself in the MRT in the morning for work. I went to Zi Yean Restaurant for breakfast. I met one of my father's friend there. I do not know his name and i address him as Oi. Others called him Ah Pui(Fatty in Hokkien because of his size)Well he had quite a story to tell. He is mentally slow but he is still able to think and is able to rake in some income through odds job. Well i saw him at the counter watching the chief making Dim Sum. I sympasize him and offer him to join me for breakfast.
While having breakfast, i had a conversation with him and i realised that some of the odd jobs he do is really kind of shitty. These are jobs that nobody want to do, but well it had to be done. He told me he would be catching pigs later. Sound alright huh! No it was not. This is really risky, if you consider where H1N1 originate from. Well these people must be really blessed at times, as they seemed alright doing all this risky things.

Yea Finally i can drive

I passed my driving test recently, it was on the 25th June at 915am.
I got off on a bad start when my vehicle roll back at the slope in the circuit.
Luckily, i applied my foot brake immediately and managed to stop my car from rolling back less than a metre. I got 2 points for it instead of an immediate failure.
As for most part of the test, i felt that it went quite smoothly.
However after the completion of my test, i realised i accumulated a total of 18points.
This was not what i expected. Most of the point came from failure to check blind spot and rear view mirror when stopping or moving off.
Although i passed, i am thankful that i received this report slip from them. Because of that i am able to learn from my mistake. This is just the start of my learning experience on the road. As for my advices to all my friends who are learning to drive, please remember check your blind spot and rear view mirror be it turning, changing lane or stopping. Lastly stay calm my friends, and good luck to your driving test.
Daniel hope you passed your driving soon.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Path To Fitness - Back For More

Last Thursday was my off day, after waiting for 1 hours, i was told that i do not need to endorse my PDL. Damn, what a waste of time. Its okay, i went to club fitness at Bukit Gombak and started my training again. Today, ang pang sei me. So i went to train without a gym partner.
I did my usual biceps curl, but this time i increase to 6.5kg per side. After which, i waited for the bench press machine. 3 guys there were occupying the machine and roatating their turns to use the machine. Others gym users were as frustrated as me, we were waiting very impatiently for these guys to give up their machine. After 30mins, they finally give up. And i started pumping the machine. I up my intensity for this too. From 5kg per side to 6.5kg.
I pay a price for my complacency. After 3 sets, while placing my weight back, the bar slip and it almost decapitated me. Thankfully a man next to me come to my rescue.
Guess that it is really necessary to have a training partner whenever you train

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hunting for jobs

It has been a fruitless week again.
All the resume i sent online were not replied.
As for relief teaching, forget it.
Its June Holiday remember.
Furthermore, Jack Place still had not contacted me.
Man i really should do something.
Anyone got lobang, can recommend me.

Friday, May 29, 2009

How i spend a week

Looking back at how i spend this week, wow i must be fit!!!
From Mon - Thursday, i spent my everyday exercising.
On mon, i exercise at home.
Tuesday, i learnt Martial Art.
Wednesday, i went to Gym with Ang.
Thursday, i played soccer at Balestier ITE.
As for today, i have to rest for tomorrow soccer, though i am itching to exercise.

Talking about Martial Art, i went to a Wu Guan in China Town to learn more about Shan Da.
We started off with circuit training, follow on by some uppercut and over hand.
These two move are not new to me, seen them in TV but i had not really tried it before.
Well combine with the previous training i had, my upper body pack some fighting capability.
Jab,Upper Cut, Over Hand
I feel that Shan Da improve my body coordination and fitness.
Cool. = = 11

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday Nite is for buddies

Yesterday, i went to Kenneth (Canada) house to play wrestling cards.
Damn Guan Yu, for nothing call me to come back from my retirement.
Anyway, RJ and Kenneth(Mr Outram) that is what Guan call Kenneth join us.
Yea its is fun man, we hang out at his condo, then HK cafe.
By then it was late, RJ and Guan had to go home.
Well the two ken and i bought some beverages, and we chill out at Tiong Bahru Plaza.
At 2pm!!!!
Well we had some man to man chat.
From our conversation i feel that several phrases that ken said meaningful.
Ignorance is bliss.
He put a hand in front of your face and want me to treat it as my problem, the further it is from your face, the less significant it is.
Well i have to take things easy.
Anyway its is a fun day.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Interview for School Facilitator

On Sunday morning 7am, i took 198 to Nus campus for an interview for School Facilitator/Instructor. I reached there at 730am and waited till 815 till it started.
Boring............Thought they would start punctually at 800am.
What i expect to be a simple interview turned out otherwise.
We had to go through theory lesson, pratical and test just to be shortlisted.
Sian, there were really lots of interviewees here.
First up is theory lesson where we learn how to teach students why the rocket fuelled by water could fly. It was simple till they start discuss about Newton 3 Laws which i find interesting.
Hmm i did not pick up physics in Secondary School.
Next up is the bulding of rockets from two bottles.
Then we had practical on how to operate the pump-like equipment so as to fly the rockets.
I had fun interacting with my group of 2 which turned 3 later.
One interesting fact, the girl who joined in later turned up to be Samantha friends.
AHHH Could'nt recognise her. She ditto.
Pai sei man.
On and off, the rockets drenched us firers.
Not quite the interview i expected.
After the lessons we were tested.
All went well till i am tested on how to bulid the rocket, which turns out to be a flop.
Its okay, i had lots of fun today, and i get to know a new friend.
She is called Sue Meng, from Myammar.
Cool Man.

Soccer Vs Brk

It is at Ballestier ITE again.
Took place last week.
We won 5-0 against Brk or something like that.
They have quite a lots of veterans.
Though age has caught up with them, they are quite skilled in their passes.
Damn screw up first half.
I almost suffered from a heat stroke that day.
Should not have played when i am having a flu.
Well i somehow redeemed myself in the second half though i still suck.

After match we ate at the place my Dad love most.

Kah Toh Jian Curry Rice.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Party World on Mother Day Eve

Mother Day is a day where we express our gratitude to our mother.
On the eve, some celebrate by dining with their mother.
For me, i go party world with Daniel and Darren.
What the hell, BO XIAO ZHI (Unfilial Kid),
Beware of the lightning.
Anyway we had a sumptuous dinner at a HK cafe.
I had baked rice with portugese chicken, lol cant shake my obession with ronaldo.(aka Zhi Sheng).
Then we sang at partyworld.
Surprisingly Lai Waw had an amazing vocal.Uhmm..., the others all good too.
We sang till 11pm then we had supper at Mac.
It was really a fun day

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Driving Boleh???

My pratical lesson is nearing completion.
Tomorrow i will be taking stage 3 review.
After which i had to take 2 auto then stage 5.
Stage 5 is the final stage where i will be going through test route.
Man this is soon, wonder will i be fully prepared then.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Path to fitness III

Today i am going to club fitness to train for the quest to fitness.
My plan; core muscle, triceps and back muscle.
How i am going to achieve it?
Hmm, dead lift, bench press and leg raise.
The path to fitness is never easy.

Monday Game at PUB

Yea man, I played another field game at PUB field, of course against thier team.
I played in the first half and managed to hold off their midfield though.
Damn their left mid is quite fast.
Had a hard time contain him.
We managed to lead by 3 goals with ease from fong and matthiew.
Though they came back by 2 goals at the 2nd half.
We managed to kill the game with another 2 more goals to make the final result,

Soccer on Thursday

Played another game last Thursday, against a team called Hardem, on so i think at Ballestier ITE.

Well we managed to clinch a 3-2 victory though.

Soccer on Thursday

On 09/04/09, we played against Dynamo Rangers at Ballestier ITE Soccer Field.We managed to clinch a 3-2 victory.

Sheesha Friday

On Friday, i had my driving lesson at 0810pm. It ended at 0950pm after which i went to Plaza Singapore to meet up with old kenny(kenneth). We went to an area around Bugis to smoke sheesha. Sheesha you maybe wondering is a flavoured smoke. It is considered by some as a safe form of smoking due its composition; no tar and low nicotine. Well i did not smoke it though, cause i am not a smoker to start off with. I just had an ice-cream there.Sound dumb.But its okay, we had fun playing card games there. At 1230H, i left and managed to catch the last bus.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Good Friday was the day Jeus was crucfix on a cross.
Jack my ex-colleague from CCO, invited me to his gathering at Boon Keng.
We met at 1200pm but i came at 1230pm.
We had ice-breaking sessions and games there.
I got to know some of Jack friends such as Eric and Johnny.
They are quite friendly.
After games was lunch.
Food served include fried bee hoon, Japanese Curry and Japanese Pizza.
The fried bee hoon tasted especially tasty, dont know what they put in it.
What i enjoyed most was the Japanese Pizza.(filled with crab stick - Gochiosama deshita[delicious])
Then we view a christain video --- The crossing.
Which i find meaningful.
What i picked from there is that sometimes we do things without considering its reprecussion on otheres This is what they call sins.
Then we had a blessing session conducted via singing and playing a guitar.
Overall it is an enjoyable and meaningful session.
I learn that the most important thing in life is to stay worry free and take things as it come.

Long Thursday

Thursday was a busy day for me.
I spent the morning running at Telok Blangah Hill.
At 2pm, i accompany my grandmother for to (Hokkien:tian) hair
Lol dont know how to translate in english.
Well the point is i went back at 4pm,
only to pack my bag for a soccer game at Ballestier ITE against
Shag man.

Path To Fitness II

On Thursday, i continue my path to fitness.
At 0830am i was supposed to run with Ruijie.
However due to late night gaming i woke up at 0900am and
started the run at 0930am.
We were supposed to run from my house to CMPB.
But later we changed our course to Telok Balanga Park.
Shagged man.
The path to fitness continue at 1700H,
where i played field soccer against Dynamo Ranger.
Though i played for 30mins, i felt that this intensity of
exercise is sufficient for me.
You may be wondering what is the overall result.
Well we clinch a close margin 3-2 victory over them.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mr Fighting

Recent i had exercise quite regularly.
Last tuesday i went to the gym, saturday i played street soccer.
And yesterday i went for a swim.
Guess what, i went for a gym session with Mr Fighting(Ang) again.
Getting Fitter

Driving Boleh?

After passing my FTT, i procced to book my driving lesson.
When i check on April slot, guess what i see.
There is no available slot.
Nah yi ya ten da(What the hell in Jap)
Ang has quite a few slot available for booking while my damn group had booked all.
Good Game man!
Guess i am going to work for this month.

Final Theory Pass

I almost suffered from a nervous breakdown today.
5 days ago, i took a practice session at BBDC.
From the practice session i realise i still do not understand most of the contents.
So i picked up the effort to read and memorise most of the contents.
I can even tell you the distance required to break from 50km/h to 90km/h.
My test was scheduled at 1145.
I arrived at 1155am. The doors was close and no one was manning the room.
Man, i thought i blew it big time.
Thanks to my lucky star, the supervisor walked and allowed me to take the test.
Ops, i did not went to the toilet and the tide is high.
Sian, i rushed through the whole question.
After 30mins, i clicked on the end test button.
Guess what i get,
Yea Man, i am really lucky.
Thanks you Ang for accompanying me.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Good deal

On weekday, from 7-11am there is a 50% discount on all dim sum items at Zi Yean Resturant.
I went there today for breakfast. I ordered scallop dumpling and taijin bun. It cost $5.50 originally. After discount, i paid only $2.80.
Cool Man, cheap and delicious.
Where else can i find such good bargain.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday Nite ^ ^

Think i am getting old now,
Clubbing does not appeal to me already.
In the past i used to club, especially at MOS.
But ever since it closed down, thats it, i stopped.
Lang zhi hui tou.
Well now i would gladly settle for a drink at boat quay.
Sad man, no more chiongster already.
Well its still fun there, i get to practice my singing.
Though it suck
My buddy Kenneth is better in Chinese songs.
Especially he is the K Box luo zhi xiang.
Though he is a little kelong


Cool Man,on tuesday i went to gym right after my driving lesson.
It has been ages since i train, well since i am down with a flu for a few weeks.
I figured i am screwed.
This dont seemed to be the case.
I lift a ten kg dumbell with ease and my maxium weight load i can carry per hand had increased to 20kg.
Whoa, in the past ten was quite insane for me.
Guess NS had trained me well.
With all the rope works, extinguisher and gangway
Yea i am tougher now!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A real otaku

2 weeks had passed since i ORD. Though i have apply for a relief teaching position, i have not received any news yet. Sad man. So what am i doing?
Warcraft 3 , driving and more games.
Man it is time for me to stay away from computer games.
I am becoming an otaku(Nerd)!!!
To all my friends and comrade out there, i am free now.
If you want to meet me, call my mobile

Monday, March 16, 2009


Finally got my freedom.
I am so relieved.
Last week is a stressful week even at home, i cant rest well as i would be called on my mobile
Though i receive call in the morning, who care.
Throughout the day, i am holding on dearly to my mobile expecting someone to call.
No one did.
Strange and uneasy feeling i had got.
I had some difficulty adapting back to civilian life.
I had to catch up with my friends.
Finally i am back.

Appreciation to All

I would like to thanks everyone in my unit for supporting me and guiding me especially me OIC and Shin. They are fair to everyone and treat me well. Johnny often ask about my welfare and Shin advise me and ask to continually improve whatever that can be improve. I respect both of them and feel that they are competent. My CO had shown me what a great leader would do.
From him, i learn managerial skill. He earn respect not by rank, but by his work. He is able to involve everyone to take part in a job. He had made our unit bond like a family. Thanks.
Lastly i would like to tell those who tekan me, i forgive you. Work hard, dont let your leaders down.

Monday, March 2, 2009


23th Feb,
I had a half day sailing,
By default, i was supposed to be in a larger craft.
God knows what happen,
I am forced to take the tug boat.
Man!!! The boat is small and vulnerable to the waves even though we were
not in the open sea.
This trip was supposed to last for 3 hours.
Due to foul weather conditions, the journey was delayed and
the sea conditions worsen.
For 5 long hours, my whole world was shaking from right to left,
and from left to right.
Oh my, almost vomitted.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine Day to All

Valentine Day,
Should be a day where one dedicated all his time and attention
To express his or her love.
My My should not even my dude
Ang and Kenneth are busy buying flowers for their loved one.
What am i doing.
Spending time resting at home.
Fever, what the HE@@
Nah its okay!!
I still dont have a valentine.

Happy Valentine day to MY FRIENDS,
Ladies or Gentleman
May you find your true love.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Trying my best to be a punk

Yo yo, had a hair cut for CNY. Been wanting to
post this till now. Some technical error in my bluetooth.
Look this is step 1 of me being a punk.
Electrocuted hairstyle.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Post New Year In Camp

Damn, CNY is over and i dont feel like going back to work. Everybody are still in holiday mood. No one feels like working. Most of the guys in the main office are either on leave or off.Where is Encik Bei. Lol saw him walking over to the medical centre. Must be keng again.
When i doing my rounds, i saw BSM. He said sternly to me, "Gleeennnnnn see me right away when you get back". Man i hate to hear it, what did i screw up again. When i went back, he said in a stern tone, Glenn why never wish me happy new year. I wishes him and suprisingly he gave me a re packet. Wow, no one in camp gave me a red packet so far. I asked Encik Bei, and he refused to gave me. So much for doing him lots of favour out of my goodwill.
I am touched. Though it is just $4 bucks.
The second red packet i receive so far was from Johnny. Strangely last year when i tried to get from him he told us that he is not married. Though he gave others $20, 2x what he gave me. I am still very grateful.
I am thinking of giving him 2 Mandarin orange to return the greeting. Geez, i am very touched.

CNY Day 1

Today was busy day for me.I went to my paternal grandmother side in the morning and my maternal grandparents in the afternoon. Though it was a busy day, i felt that this gathering is meaningful for bonding of relationship.In the morning i managed to catch up with most of my cousins, except for Benedict and Beverly. And i saw my 2 years old nephew. still as adorable and chatty as usual.
In the afternoon, i went to my mother sides to pay a visit to my grandparents.Everyone was there already. Opps sorry for being late!!! Did i forget to mention? I also had a baby cousin, Andy Choo. Coincidentally, he is 2 years old too. Man he is very energetic. He put whatever things he see into his mouth. Naughty Boy!!! Lol we will just laugh and take away the thing from him.
To me, the essence of CNY is to gather and catch up to make up for lost time. Though we get to recieve Hong Bao and feast on New Tibbits.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy CNY Year To My Family, Friends & Relative,
May all you have a good year

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What i do before CNY

  1. Lan Party on Friday Afternoon
  2. Chilling Out at Boat Quay.
  3. Sat Morning Street Soccer
  4. Monster Huinter and more monster hunter
  5. Reunion Dinner
  6. Warcraft and more warcraft and more warcraft

Did i even get to sleep.Nah who cares, once in a year.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

MY Unit CNY Celebration II

After the lunch, we had 1 hour to get to the cinema
to catch a movie.
During this tranisition period,we went to Lan shop
at Cathay Cineleisure for a game of Left 4 Dead
Too bad we had 10 ppl and we ended up playing CS.
We only played for 45mins but we payed for a hour.
$3.80 mind you. This is expensive.
Following our lan session, we procceded to catch
our movie.
IP Man, E Mian was worth watching.
I am convinced that Donnie Yen would
be the next action star.

MY Unit CNY Celebration I

16th Jan, Friday was supposed to be reverse routine
for my unit. (Due to the comissioning of the 2 frigate)
The lunch fall on this day to siam the reverse routine
and also to celebrate CNY.
The lunch was held at Crystal Cafe at 12pm.
Our unit took up the buffet for porridge.It cost
approximately $12
I feel that this is a little costly considering the
dishes served.
These dishes are ordinary.
What stood out was the Tau Suan. Most find it
to be sumptuous and suprisingly the waiter has
to refill a couple of time.
Overall my lunch experince is pleasing

Cool Marriage At the Start of the Year

Cool Man, i attend a wedding dinner with
my Dad At Raffles Town Club.
The food are superb,
the ingredients are fresh and the waiters
are polite.
The flying Dutchman is also here.
Cool didnt recognize him.
Too bad we had to leave early to pick up my
sister from work.
Or i could have enjoy more
Sis, you own me one.

New Year Mean New Hope

This is the start of a 2009,
I made several New Year Resolution.
1.Work Hard
2.Spend more time with my family
3.Study Hard when school start
4.Induldge in Blogging
Last But Not Least i will try to limit my gaming addiciton

Hi To All

Hi to All My friends and relative,
This is my personal blog,
Do Check up on me from time to time